Business innovation: implementation of management systems (quality, environmental, etc.) and supporting software tools (maintenance); new organisational methods (training, evaluation and development of human resources, etc.) on the job and in commercial relations; the implementation of new channels and formulas of internal and external communication for improving information for and the participation and understanding of our professionals.
Service innovation: application of the latest technologies and artificial intelligence, techniques and materials that improve efficiency and performance and that allow increased work optimisation.
* Internal campaign, “Health and Safety, a commitment by everyone", with the objective of raising the awareness of the company’s staff regarding the prevention of occupational risks, in addition to good practices and healthy habits.
* First autonomous scrubber at a Spanish airport. SIRSA, in cooperation with AENA, is a pioneer at implementing this new system at the Son Sant Joan facilities on Palma de Mallorca. Tennant’s driverless scrubber operates based on programmed parameters and also uses NanoClean technology.
* CMMS - Computerized Maintenance Management System. SIRSA has incorporated this system into the list of services that it offers to clients. This software is integrated through the company’s GIM platform (TCMAN) to improve the efficiency of our services. An indispensable service for recording and controlling all phases of the worker, for detecting new needs and for applying improvements in the optimisation of resources and compliance with objectives.