We are committed to labour stability, to diversity and to the integration and insertion of the most vulnerable groups, and we are committed to social causes and cultural events that enrich our surroundings and improve community life.
SIRSA has, with specialised entities and companies, signed agreements and conventions within the framework of policies for the occupational insertion and/or reinsertion of women, persons with disabilities and groups at risk of social exclusion. These policies have been implemented through programmes of la Caixa Foundation (Incorpora), the Ared Foundation for the reinsertion of women and the Prevent Foundation, among others. Likewise, we have implemented actions to sponsor young entrepreneurs, such as the one established by Creatic Awards of Tecno Campus for innovative and/or technological business projects.
In our social work, we also collaborate with entities linked to cooperation with developing countries. A necessary contribution to humanitarian projects, in which we participate with clients linked to these causes.