It is an initiative that the Benito Menni Foundation is carrying out in the area of Douala and Cameroon.
Its main objective is to take care of people with mental health problems, mainly women and mothers with children who have been abandoned by their families, and to handle their basic needs, as well as raise the awareness of the population in general about fighting against stigmatisation and favouring social insertion.
SIRSA is contributing by providing logistics and financial support on a project that will occupy professionals and volunteers for the upcoming months and which joins many other programmes that the foundation has in countries around the world.
The Benito Menni Foundation, linked to the Sisters Hospitaller Congregation, was created in 2004. Since then, they have directed various projects in the area of cooperation development for ensuring the right to mental health of people in a situation of vulnerability and social exclusion in 27 countries of Europe, America, Africa and Asia.
The Sisters Hospitaller is a benchmark congregation in the area of mental health, managing centres throughout Spain. SIRSA provides cleaning services at the facilities in Ciempozuelos, Arroyomolinos and L’Hospitalet de Llobregat.