The objective is to work according to a set of principles, standards, procedures, protocols and guidelines for the purpose of guaranteeing professional management of the service that contributes to improving the patient’s safety and well-being.
Sensitised and trained personnel are therefore required for a service that, due to the specifics of the users, must continuously adapt to the unexpected events that are faced by healthcare personnel. These professionals must also take into account that their presence could alter some behaviours, wherefore they must avoid wearing scarves, necklaces, long pendants, watches and rings or having loose hair. Measures that also guarantee their safety.
Likewise, in these services employees also maintain control over their cleaning carts and keep them out of reach of the patients. In this case, the carts are equipped with locked tanks, compartments and drawers, where the chemical products are stored, so that they are inaccessible by the residents, given that, in the worst case, access could lead to accidents, self-aggression or aggression against others.
In these cases, safety is reinforced by signage in areas where slippery products are being used. The signs are made of canvas, instead of plastic, to prevent highly disturbed users from hurting themselves with the signs or injuring other users.
And to ensure the well-being of the patients, the use of noisy cleaning machines is avoided during times when users are nearby, and especially in intensive rehabilitation areas and areas with psychiatric containment.
This methodology is being applied after over two years of work, with specialists in the treatment of mental pathologies, and it will be recorded in a pioneering manual that will be presented soon.
SIRSA performs services at various mental health centres such as the Benito Menni centre, a mental healthcare complex managed by the Sisters Hospitaller in Sant Boi, and at the Multi-purpose Mental Health Unit of Hospitalet de Llobregat and Granollers in Barcelona or the centres in Ciempozuelos and Arroyomolinos in Madrid.