Since last week, SIRSA has also resumed its service at the facilities, with 32 workers on weekends and holidays and 5 from Monday through Friday in the month of May. The staff will be increased in summer months to provide service that is suited to the park’s needs, which increase exponentially during this period because of the increased crowds.
Workers of the company who had been subject to an ERTE (temporary labour force adjustment plan) during the months when restrictions were being applied will be reinstated, and temporary personnel will be hired to adapt the staff to seasonal needs.
Additional services of continuous disinfection will be applied in maintenance jobs at points of contact and in areas of likely contamination. Specialised machinery for these types of facilities will therefore be used, such as power cleaners, scrubbers, rotary cleaners, electric blowers and battery-powered fumigators.
SIRSA has been performing cleaning, maintenance and disinfection tasks at Barcelona’s historic amusement park since 2011, consequently completing its first decade at the premises. -19 pandemic.